Update 19/06/2015: Call now closed. Thank you to those who applied!
We are on the lookout for someone with a passion for technology and innovation to join our team over the summer!
In case you haven’t met us yet - we’re Science Practice, a design and research company based in London. We work across a variety of areas and collaborate with scientists to help put their research into practice. Whether we’re designing challenge prizes, prototyping microfluidic chips or creating new methods for visualising genetic data, we’re always looking at ways to integrate design principles with the processes and methodologies of science.
We are looking to recruit a recent graduate to support a project to create several challenge prizes. This is an exciting task that involves researching fields of science and technology such as robotics, cryptography and energy that could provide a solution to some of today’s most pressing problems.
We are looking for someone knowledgeable, inquisitive and passionate about new and emerging technologies and the potential they hold.
If you’re interested in applying for this role, please send an email with your CV and a brief cover letter to Ana at af@science-practice.com. Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you soon!
We’d like to introduce the newest addition to Science Practice, the MinION:
The MinION pocket-sized genetic sequencer produced by Oxford Nanopore
The MinION is Oxford Nanopore’s device for real time analysis of biological molecules such as DNA, RNA or proteins, in other words our very own genetic sequencer! We were given a MinION as part of an early access program when we attended Oxford Nanopore’s London Calling 2015 conference:
Christmas! #whatsinthebag #NanporeConf pic.twitter.com/qKgAMjSWs9
— Science Practice (@sciencepractice) May 14, 2015
We were at the plush Altitude London venue on 14th and 15th May to hear all about how the MinION works and what it’s being used for, like sequencing Ebola to trace infections. We also presented one of our own projects which might incorporate the MinION: a toolkit for prototyping microfluidic diagnostics.
The format of our presentation was a Pecha Kucha (20 slides for 20 seconds each) pre-recorded as a video for a rather intriguing collective-noun: a “fleet of iPads”:
Last night at #NanoporeConf with @Doctor_Tempest’s Pecha Kucha playing on a fleet of iPads + happy faces. pic.twitter.com/q26YavYKSm
— Science Practice (@sciencepractice) May 15, 2015
The MinION fits right in at our office, and we think it might be the first genetic sequencer in Shoreditch?
The MinION making itself at home in our office
It connects to a laptop via USB and houses a flow cell containing the sensing technology: a membrane spotted with nanopores which act as single-molecule detectors. Each nanopore pulls a strand of DNA across the membrane, creating a unique current signal for each base pair.
We can’t wait to dive in and explore this new tech, so watch this space to find out what we do with the MinION first!
As promised, last week Apple released the source code for ResearchKit, their framework for building and running medical studies on iPhones. We did some Quick Research on ResearchKit soon after its announcement last month and since its release we’ve spent some time playing with some of ResearchKit’s features.
Along with the ResearchKit Xcode project, Apple has also released the source code for the five launch applications including the mPower app that Max Little, the speaker at the first SP+EE Mobile Health Meetup last week, worked on.
One of the first things to notice when you visit the GitHub repository is that much of the documentation and the ResearchKit Framework itself is written in Objective-C and not in Swift, the latter being a programming language for OS X and iOS that Apple released last year. However, this absence is already being addressed in parts of the documentation and as the framework is in an open source environment it probably won’t be long until the Programming Guide and API are updated to include Swift snippets and references too.
Apple have also included a sample application named ORKCatalog in ResearchKit. The app consists of a list of the pre-built tasks and there is a results tab to view the results of the most recently completed task. From looking through the app it seems that TaskListRow.swift
in the ‘Presenting Tasks’ group acts as a good library of the different ResearchKit tasks written in Swift and is also very well annotated.
As part of SP+EE, we have recently worked on a digital healthcare project which involved designing for issues such as informed consent, data collection and leading the user through specific processes. This prompted us to create our own little demo app using ResearchKit so we could try implementing the three main types of task.
Our Demo Application
Before the user can take part in a study they need give their consent for their information to be collected and used. The framework provides you with a set of pre-formatted consent section types that cover things like how the data is gathered, privacy and withdrawal. These templates have some quite nice transition animations, but these only work if the steps are displayed in a specific order. You can also add a custom consent section type that can be easily configured to add different images and information.
A custom consent section
Overall, it’s very quick to build simple flows and each of the consent sections is compiled to a review step followed by name and signature steps. It will be interesting to see what type of consent models are required as more researchers begin to use this framework for different types of studies. For instance how would the consent process work for a study that looks at the relationship between two people? Other nice pre-built additions might include an eligibility step as seen in the launch applications or maybe a consent step for reminders if a task needs completing at a specific time.
The process for building surveys is pretty simple and again there are number of pre-built designs to collect different types of data. We set up a simple Quality of Life questionnaire that has 13 items and uses the pre-built text choice question which can be formatted to provide single or multiple answers.
Quality of Life Questionnaire
The results for each task can then be collected on completion and computed into a specific result (a Quality of Life score in this instance). In addition to this, you can also analyse the result of a specific step during the process and have flows that change depending on the answer given by the user, which offers a lot of flexibility.
The fledgling ResearchKit community has already started contributing some new survey answer formats. Giving participants the ability to resubmit previous answers for a task if these haven’t changed might be a helpful function.
We set up a predefined task to ask the user to walk for five minutes and rest for five minutes, with results being gathered from available sources such as the accelerometer, pedometer, location, and heart rate data (this might be gathered from the Apple Watch when it is released). There are five active tasks that come with ResearchKit but we imagine the library of tasks will grow quite quickly.
Countdown step in an active task
You can create custom active tasks by defining sub-classes of ORKActiveStep
and ORKActiveStepViewController
. There are some helpful reusable patterns such as a countdown step, which gives you time to prepare before a task starts, and a completion step, which lets you know that the activity has been completed successfully. Another reusable step that could prove useful might be letting the user know that they have not carried out a step correctly and asking them to retry.
One thing we haven’t figured out yet is how to set the timing of certain tasks (for instance, a Quality of Life measurement might only need to be taken every six weeks) or how to set reminders for tasks (for instance, remind the user to complete this task every evening), but it looks like these are things that Apple is thinking about and looking to implement in the near future.
ResearchKit seems very well considered and as the community grows it will be interesting to see how it evolves in order to combat common problems and extend it’s reach, more specifically:
We have found data privacy and security to be very important and sensitive issues. Apple has left it very much in the hands of the researchers how this data is transmitted and stored after it has been collected. The development of guidelines and best practices would probably be beneficial for insuring data is secured.
Controlling attrition rates will be important to ensuring the success of a study. What sort of design patterns will be developed in order to keep participants engaged and contributing rich and useful data?
ResearchKit is fairly easy to prototype with but it seems that extending support for Swift programmers will be an important part of making the framework more accessible to a wide pool of potential researchers.
You can look at and download our ResearchKit demo app on the SP+EE GitHub repository. If you would like to chat to us about anything mentioned in this post, you can contact us here or come to our next Mobile Health Meetup!
Great expectations and serious opportunities ahead of us. The 5th annual Eagle Symposium 2015 took place on March 23rd at the European Bioinformatics Institute in Hinxton near Cambridge, and it was about so much more than just bioinformatics.
The main focus of the meeting was on bridging the gap between advances in bioinformatics research and the obvious benefits for human health in clinical or pharmaceutical setting. Speakers represented a whole spectrum of expertise, ranging from policy making to academic research, from clinical practice to commercial pharma industry. A healthy cross-section.
Sobia Raza (Interim Programme Lead for Science at PHG Foundation) discussed the importance of microbial sequencing in healthcare, which might seem a bit less obvious than sequencing human genomes, but in fact can prove equally important to public healthcare. First of all, Sobia made a very strong distinction between time frames available for investigating genomes in a research and in a medical setting — the former being measured in weeks and days, whilst the latter in minutes and hours. Sobia also stressed the potential importance of microbial sequencing for the effective preservations of antibiotics and tackling antibiotic resistance. We all nodded to one another, recollecting our own research done for the Longitude Prize 2014.
Information integration, sharing is key as pathogen genomics transforms management of infectious disease, Sobia Raza @PHGFoundation #egsym15
— William Spooner (@wspoonr) March 23, 2015
Simon Andrews (Head of Bioinformatics at Babraham Institute) presented a collection of fascinating case studies in lab quality control, when visual evidence gave indication of sequencing going wrong. Catastrophic situations are usually very easy to spot on visual read outs from machines or activity monitors. Subtle mistakes are a bit more difficult, but a keen observer would notice anomalies or surprising features in their data, which would sound an alarm about batch contamination, air blockage in pipings, or even wrong identity of tested samples. But the most difficult cases are those subtle and chronic, which makes them almost invisible to human consideration.
Good Bioinformaticians need bad data. Believe it or not it's harder to get. It helps make good data better #egsym15 pic.twitter.com/99vnhNRYHw
— IvanHK100 (@ivanhk100) March 23, 2015
Simon concluded that researchers should share data from failed experiments as much, as they like to share data from successful ones. We really liked Simon’s talk because of his visual approach to quality control in a laboratory, as well as debugging of scientific experiments.
Richard Dobson (Head of Bioinformatics NIHR at King’s College London) focused in his talk on medical records, their importance in genomic context and difficulty in making good use of them. Rich gathered 1/4 million patient records and found that for many diseases up to 90% of relevant and important medical information might be unusable for data mining purposes, because it is recorded by clinicians as free text narrative; only about 10% of patient data is structured and available for database search. This is, obviously, a problem not only in clinical practice, but also in genomic research, as only a fraction of patients’ phenotypic data can be processed for correlations with genomic variations.
"@glyn_dk: .@richdobson It is very difficult to collect good clinical data #egsym15 pic.twitter.com/k688Cld9uF" RD fixes using text mining.
— William Spooner (@wspoonr) March 23, 2015
Vincent Plagnol (Head of Computational Biology and Reader at UCL) presented a fascinating study done on London’s Jewish Ashkenazi population. Doing field research and telephone interviews, trawling through patient medical records, sequencing members of families affected by IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) and analysing multigenerational family trees, Vincent and his colleagues found out that often variants are reported to be much more prevalent in populations than they actually turn out to be after closer investigation. This shows really how little we still now about the variation in human genomes.
Vincent Plagnol: A case of #IBD in Jewish population where "missing heritability" explained by complex combination of common variants #egsym15
— Fiona Nielsen (@glyn_dk) March 23, 2015
Will Spooner (CSO at Eagle Genomics) introduces Eagle’s new service — Eagle Core. It’s premise is to make best use of hundreds of genomic databases, each siloed in its own storage space, using various standard and legacy technologies. Eagle created Eagle Core to help alleviate this unavoidable fragmentation. Through data virtualisation, Eagle Genomics enable institutions to make better sense and use of the data they already have. We also liked the clarity of the user interface of Eagle Core.
Ewan Birney (Joint Associate Director of EMBL-EBI) gave an excellent keynote explaining why exactly institutions such as EBI are instrumental in making good use of genomic data. Because it is thus not just about storage space — it is also about interrogating this same data in a number of ways each time we want to learn something new about ourselves. There is no underlying theory that tells us how biological systems and structures will behave. Each time we want to understand a biological system we need to refer to raw data — there are no shortcuts. And because data is accumulating in an exponential fashion (doubling every 12 months), we really need to advance our abilities to make sense of it.
@ewanbirney gives the #egsym15 keynote on the future of #genomics, data driven discovery and #bioinformatics pic.twitter.com/Mc1ZLpNZYc
— Health eResearch (@HeRC_Farr) March 23, 2015
Ewan also called for further collaboration and integration of academic and commercial efforts. The CTTV centre has been established by EMBL-EBI, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and GSK to move some of the discovery of drug targets more towards the pre-competitive research environment.
If you would like to learn more about the events of the day, explore #egsym15 on Twitter. There is also a very useful archive of all presentation abstracts on the Eagle Genomics website.
The 5th Eagle Symposium was an inspiring event. We are looking forward to the 6th edition next year when — hopefully — we will be able to celebrate that so much more will have been done to bring us closer to the promise of genomic healthcare for everyone.
Last weekend Nesta held their second FutureFest event at Vinopolis, in London. Here are some of the main ideas we picked up from the festival.
‘Where are the robots?’ was probably one of the leitmotifs overheard at FutureFest. A mix of curiosity, excitement and fear floated about. What do they look like? What can they do? Are they better at it than us? Are our jobs in danger? Long story short, you apparently have nothing to worry about if you’re a choreographer or funeral attendant, but the rest of us should keep an eye out.
Jobs by probability of automation in 10yrs.
Gutted my funeral won't be attended & led by algorithms :'( #futurefest pic.twitter.com/sYFScAtBZg
— Lydia Nicholas (@LydNicholas) March 14, 2015
More interesting questions were provoked by some of the installations present at the festival. For example, The Blind Robot humbled expectations by not being able to do anything but create an opportunity for a non-verbal human-machine interaction. The robot explored the visitor’s face in a manner that recalled the way blind people touch faces in order to familiarise themselves with persons. The questions that inevitably followed each of these rather intimate acts were: ‘Can it see my face?’, ‘Does it know what I look like?’. It could do no such things. But these limitations raised a mirror to our heightened expectations about robots and a hidden desire to be seen and understood by them. A similar experiment was ‘My Robot Companion: Familiar’ - a robot able to take on the appearance of any face it sees. This reiterated this vision of robots as entities being able to see us and ultimately reveal ourselves back to us.
“@petite_a: Interacting with #blindrobot @nesta_uk #FutureFest intriguing mix of joy + slight unease pic.twitter.com/tEjN8P11u8” @bodydataspace
— Ghislaine Boddington (@GBoddington) March 16, 2015
Advancements in neuroscience have taken an interesting twist at FutureFest. One of the pervasive ideas was that of tricking the senses to compensate for distance, scarcity or simply convenience. For example, gadgets such as Kissenger - a device for transmitting kisses over the internet, aim to bypass the challenges of distance by simulating touch. Scentee - a fragrance-emitting smartphone add-on, was pitched as a way of tricking your mind into thinking it’s eating, for example, steak when you’re actually on a diet and munching on salad or living on rice as a student. (Not sure how long that trick’s going to last…)
'Scentee' paves the way to sharing all our senses online starting with the smell! #FutureFest @adriancheok pic.twitter.com/GE9H2vd5uz
— Alex Butenko (@butenkoalex) March 15, 2015
This idea was also present in Emporious - a vision of the Sweetshop of the Future. Here, in a future where cocoa demand outruns supply, a way of compensating for this scarcity is to shape small quantities of chocolate into spacious architectural forms. These shapes would visually make them seem larger, but also allow for a satisfying tasting experience as they would automatically fill your whole mouth with chocolate.
Space is a luxury. Cocoa is fast becoming a luxury. Chocolate of the future explores space in your mouth #FutureFest pic.twitter.com/4bLgL95SkF
— Jo Lowndes (@lowndesjo) March 15, 2015
Perhaps as a response to these increasingly simulated experiences, a number of talks and interactions explored the need to feel - to feel something new, something more powerful, or to simply feel. The NEUROSIS ride gave an example of how neuroscience can be used to create more exciting thrills and push us out of our comfort zones; BitterSuite and Tanya Auclair showed how experiences such as listening to classical music can make us feel more intensely via multiple sensory stimulation using sound, taste, and smell. Even the way we experience food is changing. In reaction to everything being digital and perceived through smooth glass, textures are becoming a trending feature. About time, says Dr. Morgaine Gaye, given that the last major textural innovation in confectionery was Pop Rocks in the 70s.
That said, some pretty awesome examples of cool new foods experiences here #FutureFest # pic.twitter.com/EHbLmoYoKK
— Noah Raford (@nraford) March 15, 2015
In parallel to this tendency to crank up the intensity of our experiences in order to feel more, Paul Dolan posed a nice complementary challenge. He argued for an approach towards silencing some of these potential distractions and nurturing an internal ability to listen to what we are feeling in the present.
Whether the talk was about the future of finance, the internet, or politics, the need for decentralisation as a way of involving the wider community and reinstating trust in the system was prevalent. Debates often revolved around the role technology could play in this process. A particularly insightful example of this came from the music industry. Spoek Mathambo, a South African artist, spoke about the decentralisation of music making while introducing his documentary, Future Sounds of Mzansi.
Awesome stuff from @SPOEK_MATHAMBO at #futurefest access to technology + democratisation of Internet = new music pic.twitter.com/3evpCZV0Ul
— Philip Colligan (@philipcolligan) March 15, 2015
He identified genres of electronic music that developed at the same time that pirated copies of music-making software like Fruityloops was passed around on CDs in South African townships. He also spoke of the importance of online audio distribution platforms like Soundcloud and a South African site called Kasimp3 whose success in spawning new sub-genres is partly due to the fact that it works so well on non-smart phones.
Technology is embedded in our day to day lives from the ways in which we communicate with each other, we make transactions, or even express political opinions. Yet as these technologies become increasingly sophisticated, the ability of digitally illiterate individuals to participate and have a say in their creation is limited. Either directly or indirectly, debates bought up the need for an educated - or at least informed - user who can have a say in the development of these technologies and an understanding of their impact.
. @VitalikButerin "C++ and Python are the new Latin and Greek." Cryptography is becoming the people's militia. #FutureFest
— Science Practice (@sciencepractice) March 15, 2015
Coding classes re-emerged as an approach towards encouraging a broader engagement and dialogue from a young age, while other debates focused on encouraging a greater diversity in gender and race among tech creators.
More gender & race diversity in tech creators would mean far more interesting tech - @helenlewis at #FutureFest pic.twitter.com/EFSLVQOwnm”
— Dani Mansfield (@DaniMansfield) March 15, 2015
Finally, on a topic closer to home…
The ‘Information is Dutiful’ debate opened up an interesting space for talking about the purpose of data visualisations and the challenges they pose. Panellists included: Francine Bennett (CEO at Mastodon C), Hannah Radler (associate curator at Open Data Institute) and Matthew Falla (partner at Signal | Noise). After the initial presentation of portfolios, the audience asked questions about the standards of sharing and use of patient data in a clinical context. Although a 45-minute debate is not a place where problems of this magnitude can be solved, it was encouraging to see there is already a strong awareness of existing issues around the use of patient data. Another point raised by the audience addressed the risk of ‘dummifying’ data when it is visualised. Although at Science Practice we like to think that it is in fact one of the key responsibilities of a designer to curate all relevant information in the visualisation (similarly to transformers’ duties at ISOTYPE), we can relate to these concerns. Many visualisations (aka ‘infographics’) are designed with too much emphasis on their visual beauty, compromising the veracity of data.
Data visualization - know what you're missing. #futurefest cartoon pic.twitter.com/5HXSkPtCf8
— Virpi Oinonen (@voinonen) March 15, 2015
Another relevant question related to the use of proxies in data visualisations of abstract ideas. When one wants to visualise, for example, data about innovation, one has to find a quantifiable proxy for the abstract concept of innovation in general. Data on the use of Github might seem a good proxy here, but it also means leaving out all innovation that is not software development. Is this a fair approximation? We’re not sure. Although the panellists gave no absolute answers to the proxies question, the real value is in the question itself and in recalling it again each time we’re working on another visualisation piece.
Thank you for the food for thought FutureFest and looking forward to helping shape some of these futures to come!